

This website was built entirely by the myself, using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I am eager to tell stories about me as a UX designer with compelling case studies. The focus of the site was to create an attractive and easy-to-use website that effectively communicated the my portfolio and allowed visitors to easily view and access my work.

context & challenge

The goal of the personal portfolio website is to create a strong online presence that highlights my skills and capabilities, while also providing a positive user experience.

problem the problem

I needed to present my approaches and skills to the design community to build a professional network and personal brand.

solution the solution

A fully-functional website that is well-structured, easy-to-navigate and responsive.

design process


Here are a few takeaways after I studied other UX designers’ website that inspired me as I built my own portfolio:
  • Showcase the skillset through real-life examples: highlight design process and decision-making skills through the projects they've worked on.

  • Keep it simple and intuitive: make the portfolio website clean and easy to navigate.

  • Make it personal: show off unique personality and style through the portfolio. Add a personal touch to the work samples and about page.

information architecture


low-fidelity wireframes


coding with html, css & javascript


UI elements

color palette







The primary color palette consists of white, dark grey, and paper grey to create a minimalist aesthetic.

Secondary colors in varying shades of orange add a warm and invigorating touch to the design.

Cormorant Garamond, bold
Proza Libre, regular
Text Button
Medium, color#C25700
CTA Button
Medium, color#EEAA7B to #F5E7DC

responsive design

My website was built with a mobile-first approach. To ensure it is responsive to various screen sizes, I used media queries in CSS by creating breakpoints where layouts adjust to fit the relevant screen size.
  • Small screens (up to 640px width): most mobile screens

  • Medium screens (up to 1024px width): large mobile and most tablet screens

  • Large screens (up to 1440px width): large tablets and most laptops/desktops

responsive design

usability testing

I conducted usability testing with 5 participants. My testing goals were:
  • Get a sense of my personal brand as a UX designer from home page (user’s first impression).

  • Find the projects and work samples of me as a UX designer.

  • Find the resume and download it.

  • Find the contact information.

Major issues for iteration

Issue 1: Contact information at the same page is too small to notice.

[Error scale-3: Major usability problem]

Future iteration:

· Redesign the “contact” section to occupy more space, so it will be more visible

· Link to a new HTML that only shows the contact information

Issue 2: “Work” tab in navigation bar is confusing because it is basically the same page.

[Error scale-2: Minor usability problem]

Future iteration:

Give hero section more space that users can notice the scroll when they click “work”.

code quality & accessibility

problem w3 c validator check

Code in HTML files were checked by W3C validator. I addressed all errors and warnings identified.

solution Linter extensions

Various extensions were installed to make sure HTML, CSS and JavaScript were error-free and well organized.

solution Accessibility

Color checker was used for user-friendly and accessible color. I updated the orange color to comply with WCAG AA level.


reflection & future steps

Building my personal portfolio website was a valuable experience that allowed me to not only showcase my skills and design philosophy, but also understand the foundations of programming and write frontend code. It was a great opportunity to gain insights into how to work with design considerations alongside technical requirements.
future steps

My future steps for building my portfolio website are as follows:

  • Enhance interactivity with JavaScript programming, such as adding special hover effects for image URLs.
  • Add more of my recent projects to showcase my growth and skillset.
  • Offer a more visually appealing representation of myself through creative images.